Health is Wealth- Twenty points to maintain health naturally!!!(Below is copy-pasted from
1.In the morning drink 1 to 5 glasses of water. If you are suffering from cold or allergy or Asthma, you may take hot water.
Helps to remove Constipation, Acidity and Allergy problems.
2.Take 10 to 20 leaves of Basil (Tulsi) (Ocimum Sanctum) in the morning along with water.
Tulsi is a nerve tonic, sharpens the memory and reduces stress. Tulsi is beneficial in all sorts of infections, allergies and fevers. It is anti cancerous also.
3. Swallow one tea spoon of raw methi dana (Fenugeric seeds) with a glass of water at bedtime.
Reduces blood cholesterol and sugar level. Good for Arthritis patients also.
4. Squeeze one lemon in a glass of warm or cold water and drink twice a day.
Keeps body fresh and energetic.
5. Include sprouted grains, coconut and fresh seasonal fruits in the break fast, whole wheat chapatti along with large quantity of raw and cooked vegetables in the meals.
Provides Natural Protein, Carbohydrate and fat along with plenty of Vitamins, Minerals, Salts and Enzymes.
6. Diabetic and over weight persons should eat chapatti of mix floor with bran along with large quantity of raw and boiled vegetables.
Extra fibre of bran and vegetable skin will provide vitamin B-Complex. This food removes constipation, reduces weight and sugar level.
7. Chew each bite of food at least 32 times.
Improves digestion. The food mixed with saliva is not converted into fat, but it is converted into blood and bone etc.
8. Avoid processed, preserved and refined food like bleached floor, fried food, tinned food, sweets, chocolates, Biscuits and carbonated soft drinks. Eat minimum quantity of sugar, salt, and butter.
Above food increases cholesterol and sugar level in the blood. It is responsible for constipation, hyper acidity, diabeties, high blood pressure and Atherosclerosis etc.
9. Try not to suppress your urge to cough, sneeze, yawn, sleep, urinate, defecate etc
Every Urge removes toxic matter or foreign matter from the body
10. Laugh heartily at least 5 minutes every day
Increases blood circulation in the whole body, Melatonin hormone level increases.
11. After taking bath dry body by rubbing with hands.
Helps removal of fat and wrinkles of the skin. The face and whole body skin becomes silky and shiny.
12. Do hard exercise 30 minutes in a day which causes sweating
Helps removal of Urea, Uric acid, Amino acid etc along with sweat.
13. Do Yogasan and Pranayam every day
Benefit :
Keeps your muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints elastic and your body remains flexible even in old age. Your life span increases.
14. Do Relaxation and Meditation before going to sleep
Will give you sound sleep and in the morning you will wake up fresh and energetic like a bird.
15. Disease is manifestation of accumulation of toxic matter or foreign matter in the body. The foreign matter when deposited in the organ the normal function of the organ gets hampered and we name it as different disease.
When toxic matter gets deposited in pancreas person suffers from diabeties.
When deposited in lever, person suffers from hepatitis A,B,C,D etc
When deposited in lungs person suffers from Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, etc.
When deposited in heart, person suffers from Angina, Atherosclerosis, heart attack etc.
When deposited in uterus the women suffers from ulcers, tumors etc.
The main cause of all the diseases is deposition of toxic matter or foreign matter in the body.
16. Naturopathy Treatment- eliminates the toxic matter or foreign matter from the body by using cleansing techniques such as Enema, Steam bath, Mud bath, Sun bath, Kunjal, Neti, Fasting ,etc.
A Naturopathy does not give any medicine , So there is not side effect. It removes the cause of disease and does not treat symptoms only.
17. Naturopathy believes in whole body treatment and not the symptoms alone. All our systems of body like Digestive system, excretory system, Circulatory system, Respiratory system, Nervous system, etc are inter-connected and inter dependent. So it is unscientific to treat only one organ or one system. Total body service or whole body cleaning is the main stay of Naturopathy.
18. Microbes and Allergens are not the cause of diseases. But when toxic matter gets deposited in a particular organ, the bacteria, virus or Allergens go there and clean the organ.
Naturopathy says microbes and Allergens are cleaning agents and not the cause of disease.
19. Fasting gives rest to the different organs and body gets full opportunity to clean itself. Once the organ becomes clean it restores its normal function.
Body's auto repair and auto healing power increases.
Increasing Vital Power is the main stay of Naturopathy.
20. Learn to live in Harmony with Nature.
The Harmoneous relation of body, mind and soul gives us perfect health