Thursday, September 9, 2010


Below excerpt from CNN article about Khan Academy (see previous post), talks about how he got started. And I think this is the way most success stories start.
In the summer of 2004, while still living in Boston, Khan learned that his seventh-grader cousin, Nadia, in New Orleans was having trouble in math class converting kilograms. He agreed to remotely tutor her. Using Yahoo Doodle software as a shared notepad, as well as a telephone, Nadia thrived -- so much so that Khan started working with her brothers, Ali and Arman. Word spread to other relatives and friends. Khan wrote JavaScript problem generators to keep up a supply of practice exercises. But between their soccer practices, his job, and multiple time zones, scheduling became impossible. "I started to record videos on YouTube for them to watch at their own pace," Khan recalls. Other users tuned in, and the blueprint for Khan Academy was created.
So, I think we cannot set out to be successful. We just keep doing what we like to do, and whatever success is deserved, will come our way. I think that is the way things work.

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