Sunday, May 10, 2009

The System is a Work In Progress

System is a Work In Progress

Our society is seemingly made up of 2 constituents - People and the System. To me, our society is only made up of the System. The People constituent only comes in later to inhabit the System constituent. People are like water, they take the shape of whatever container (System) they are poured into. But, luckily, the People know this, so they tweak the System they live in to make it more resilient to their own evil side. One day they are a Gandhi and the next day they can be a Hitler. So, they try to protect themselves from themselves by tweaking the System (while they are in Gandhi mood), so that they don't destroy themselves (while they are in the Hitler mood). Long story short, to improve a society, People have to continuously work on improving the System.

Stating the above in a different way - the responsibility for whatever mess we have currently, falls on the deficiencies in the System and not with the People (i.e. politicians and public...yes, politicians are innocent). So, not only should we be looking around for capable & honest leaders who can somehow do some good within the current System, but we should also be continuously looking for deficiencies in the System and then work on finding their fixes.

99% of People criticize ourselves, Indians, for every thing that is wrong in India. Take the example of the traffic situation in big cities. Everyone criticizes the people who are driving for not following traffic rules, for speeding, driving in the wrong routes etc. The point of this blog is that we have to criticize the 'system' first i.e. transport infrastructure and not the 'people' who are somehow finding a way to live with it. This criticism, aimed at the System, will be the precursor to thinking about what improvements need to be done.

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