Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Short Paragraphs & Courage, Text-to-Speech Reader

I know that I am very bad at reading. Recently I have been using SpeakComputer's text-speech reader to read online articles. I consider it one of my greatest discoveries.

When I opened my friend Rajesh's blog about Indian elections, I was surprised that I was able to read the whole blog easily without the text-speech reader although it was not short. One reason was it was very well written but I also realized something else - the blog had small paras and hence I did not get scared of reading the whole thing. So, for me, large paras are intimidating, not long articles.

So it is my advice to myself that henceforth, all my emails, blogs, etc should have small paragraphs.

Link to Rajesh's blog which made me realize this -

1 comment:

Raj said...

I agree with you Jyothi. I also like to read it if it is in small paragraph's